Based on A True Story Time…
I have a friend, Jane, who was looking for a job. Another friend, D’Keisha worked for a company that was hiring from exactly the position. Jane gave D’Keisha a copy of her resume. D’Keisha put in a good word, physically handed it to the hiring manager, AND sent him an electronic company. A week goes by and D’Keisha hears that the hiring manager is busy interviewing candidates. She’s perplexed as to why Jane never got an interview, let alone a call.
At the time, I had access to their whole pool of applicants. I checked and Jane’s name was nowhere to be found. She was NOT an applicant. She never actually applied. If her name wasn’t in the list I saw, she didn’t exist. Her credentials were never scored or reviewed. Neither woman knew how this worked. They genuinely thought D’Keisha was able to hook Jane up. Naw. Nope. and Nada.
I was looking for a job because I’d found myself working in a cult (always believe reviews y’all). I saw an opening and contacted a friend who worked there. He put in a good word, put in a good word and made sure the job description was written in a way that I would be perfectly qualified. The first review of resumes was done by HR, not the hiring manager. My friend had spoken to the hiring manager. But I had to get past the HR folks to receive the blessing that was a result of my friend talking me up to the hiring manager.
I got the interview and got the job. THAT was a hook-up. I understood the process, my friend understood the process, and the hiring manager understood the process.
Moral: Understand the process.
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