If you aren’t a C-level worker, applying for work in an industry that regularly hires remote employees (pharma sales, training, etc.), recruiters are looking for applicants who live within a c Pm mutable distance. So, if you are looking to completely relocate, or are open to the idea, it’s cool to remove your address from your resume. If you can’t imagine doing that, use a friend’s address who already lives in the town where you want to relocate.
But won’t recruiters notice all of my work history is in Alabama but I’m applying for a job in Maine?
maybe. But recruiters have a few seconds to scan each applicants resume. Rarely do they take the time to research the physical locations of your previous jobs. If they ask, simply tell them you are slated to move to the new city in the next two months and that is where you will live when you arrive.
Government Programs
The government current has programs that cater to businesses located in historically underutilized business zones (HUBZones). Companies located in those areas must hire a certain percentage of their employees from HUBZones. I worked at a HUBZone company that specialized in IT. Finding people in HUBZones with the experience we needed was like finding a needle in a haystack. Not to mention, for a lot of folks, when they get high paying jobs, they move OUT OF THE HUBZone. HUBZones, however, are not always crappy neighborhoods nor do they always cover an entire zip code. That is, you can live at 123 Broadway and be in the HubZone but your BFF living at 321 Broadway is not. If you live in a HubZone, Search for HubZone companies to find ones that are hiring. Never mind they may be in another state, hit them up anyway. A lot of gentrified areas are HUBZones. A lot of university adjacent areas are HUBZones too.
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